Bread Pudding (Pake Air Fryer). Air fryer is considered as the healthier alternative of the traditional deep fryer. However, the manual recipes that are coming. Today I wanted something sweet so I decided to make some bread pudding in single servings!

Air fryers are so easy to use and this home made. These Crispy Boneless Breaded Pork Chops come out moist on the inside and crispy on the outside! Crispy Breaded Pork Chops in the Air Fryer.
Kamu dapat dengan mudah membuat Bread Pudding (Pake Air Fryer) menggunakan 10 bahan dan 6 langkah kerja yang cepat.
Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat Bread Pudding (Pake Air Fryer) :
- 3-4 lembar Roti Tawar.
- 2 buah Telur.
- 4 sdm Gula Pasir.
- secukupnya Margarin.
- 4 sdm SKM.
- 300 mL Susu Full Cream.
- Taburan.
- Parutan Keju.
- Chocochip.
- slice Almond.
Blue Jean Chef - Meredith Laurence. This recipe for cinnamon rolls uses store-bought bread dough as the base, but cooking them If you don't have an air fryer, yet, allow me to convince you! It's healthier way to "fry" your favorite foods: fries, chips, breaded things, and more. Bread Pudding is a baked combination of bite sized cubes of bread that are soaked in a rich custard-like mixture of cream, eggs, sugar, butter, vanilla extract and ground spices.
Langkah-langkah untuk membuat Bread Pudding (Pake Air Fryer) :
- Mixer/kocok 2 buah telur dan 4 sdm gula sampai larut. Lalu masukkan margarin cair & SKM, aduk sampai menyatu. Terakhir masukkan susu full cream lalu larutkan dan tes rasa..
- Potong roti tanpa kulit menjadi kotak kotak. Tata potongan roti di dalam wadah (sy menggunakan wadah kaca Lock&Lock).
- Siram campuran telur, susu, skm, gula, margarin di point 1 tadi di atas potongan roti yg sudah ditata hingga 3/4 tinggi dari roti..
- Langkah terakhir bubuhkan opsional taburan seperti parutan keju, almond slice, chochochip dll di atas roti..
- Masukkan ke dalam air fryer (oven bisa juga) dan set selama 20 menit dengan derajat panas 150 celcius degree..
- Setelah matang, keluarkan dari Air Fryer dan tunggu hingga tidak mengeluarkan uap panas. Lalu tutup wadah dan masukkan kulkas karena dingin lebih maknyusss.
Air Fryer, How to Cook Frozen Fried Chicken in the Air Fryer. Air Fryer, Roasted Leg of Lamb With Garlic and Rosemary. Air Fryer, Easy Brownie Chocolate Pudding. Spray the air fryer basket with nonstick cooking spray or olive oil spray. Arrange chicken tenders in the air fryer basket, making sure that they are not touching so air can flow around the chicken tenders as they cook.