Bread pudding. For this classic Bread Pudding, challah bread is soaked in a rich custard spiked with spiced rum and vanilla, and baked until golden. It's a great make-ahead dessert, and wonderful with ice cream! This recipe is proof-positive that leftover bread can easily be converted to dessert without much work.

In Canada they eat bread pudding with maple syrup. That's something we can definitely get on board with! Bread pudding is a bread based dessert that is popular in many countries.
Kamu dapat dengan mudah membuat Bread pudding menggunakan 10 bahan dan 6 langkah kerja yang cepat.
Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat Bread pudding :
- 8 lembar roti tawar.
- 400 ml Susu cair.
- 100 gr Mentega.
- 2 Telur.
- 3 sdm gula pasir.
- 1 sachet SKM.
- Sejumput garam.
- secukupnya Kismis dan almond.
- Bubuk cinamon.
- Keju cheddar secukupnya untuk taburan.
Because bread pudding is so popular and versatile, every good cook will need a variety of recipes in their arsenal. Bread Pudding is a classic British Dessert, delicious hot or cold and fantastic with a drizzle of Soaking the bread is a important and the longest stage of making bread pudding, although it doesn't. Try these bread pudding recipes for dessert! Pour bread mixture into prepared pan.
Langkah-langkah untuk membuat Bread pudding :
- Tata roti di ramekin atau cup, tabur cinnamon, kismis, dan almond.. Tata sampai 3 lapis, taburi keju cheddar parut.
- Campur susu cair, gula, garam, dan skm putih lalu masak dengan api sedang sampai gula larut, matikan kompor.
- Masukan butter/ margarine leleh, aduk sampai rata. Setelah tidak beruap, masukan kocokan telur lalu aduk rata.
- Tuangkan kedalam roti yg sudah disusun sambil sedikit ditekan tekan supaya meresap.
- Panggang selama 35 menit suhu 160 dercel api bawah, 5 menit api atas...
- Selamat mencoba 😊.
Bread pudding is a dessert born of desperation. What was once a way to use up leftover odds and ends of stale bread has turned into a sought-after comforting sweet. Old-fashioned bread pudding is the ultimate classic comfort food. Being one of the millions allergic to poultry I came up with this so I could have bread pudding too. Bread pudding, savory or the more classic sweet, is an underrated dish.